Connected Learning Take- Away

When looking into connected learning theory I found that it is giving a definition to so many of the technology courses I have been taking for my masters. In each of these classes we looked at different tools that we could use in order to engage our students whether to create, interact with outside world, or collaborate with one another. Connected learning brings these together as a whole to make the goal of the learning to be all of these things. Students working together across media and learning to work together.

2 Comments on Connected Learning Take- Away

  1. Anna Smith
    April 5, 2021 at 7:45 am (3 years ago)

    I think one reason Connected Learning might be bringing this all together for you would be that it was created by 15 or so different educational researchers who are leaders in the field who brought all these different areas of research together. So the different principles really cover so much of what we know as important as teachers!

  2. Sam Wurster
    April 6, 2021 at 2:30 pm (3 years ago)

    Hi Jess,
    I like how you described what connected learning is for us as teachers. I think this is a great idea to have a the top of your website. What has been your favorite learning theory though?



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