Homago #9 Looking deeper into Kami Extension

Kami For the win!

The Kami extension is helpful for making notes digital. I think it is easier for many students to type rather than write physically. However, I have read that writing things down helps us remember things more. This could impact student comprehension and recall in a negative way. Due to the current learning situation all over with hybrid, digital, and less in person time I believe this extension to be worth that. Teachers shouldn’t have to deal with paper that their students could cough and sneeze all over and risk infection. Or worse yet quarantine the work for days before looking at it.

This extension will allow students to highlight draw and so many other things without having to have a physical calculator. It allows teachers to be able to read the work without having to try and figure out what number they really wrote. It allows students that struggle to type to speak into their device and it will write for them.

This can transform learning by giving the chance for students not to lose their work! This extension does not really take learning into a new level, however it does make things possible that just were not even a thought with students working in their math textbooks.

I found a teacher that uses Kami for their notes during the pandemic. One thing I had not thought of yet with this app (which I have been thinking about it nonstop and trying it with my students) was to record how to solve problems, and then inserting the video of each problem being solved and explained onto the kami document! This is huge! This will help with the recorded lessons, and they can be broken into just the problems the students are struggling with. The app also works very closely with google classroom and you can actually assign through the app and then grade while on google classroom, without opening it in a separate tab.

I envision using this as the backbone of my notes. One thing I wish it could have is to jump to pages, if it had this then I could have the entire notes lesson on one Kami document.

1 Comment on Homago #9 Looking deeper into Kami Extension

  1. jmsheldon
    November 12, 2020 at 12:31 pm (4 years ago)

    I specifically clicked on your post because my school has Kami and I use it very little, but want to learn to use it more! I teach band and would like to one day go paperless, but the only hurdle I see is students needing the ability to mark their music. I believe that Kami would let the students do this in their music, and having all their music be digital will cut back on waste on my part and also students forgetting their music. To extend what you said, I could have students quickly highlight their music when they miss notes or type in notes to themselves if we make edits! I even think with the current technology we have I could limit what they look at and block all sites except google classroom where the music is stored. Thanks for inspiring me to think about these things – I think I’ll do a trial with my 8th grade band in the new quarter!


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